Sterilization is one of the most common types of surgery in pet practice.
Why are male dogs neutered, what are the reasons for the operation?
Male dogs are generally, but not always, more aggressive than bitches. Fights are more common, they stick together more easily over toys, food or bitches.
Hypersexuality, especially characteristic of small dogs, can be unpleasant. In such cases, dogs imitate mating movements on furniture or on people’s legs. This can lead to particularly awkward situations when guests arrive.
A relatively common problem in male dogs is unilateral or bilateral hidden testicles.
In this case, the testicles are not in their normal place, i.e. in the scrotum, but in the inguinal canal or the abdominal cavity. To function, the testicles need a lower temperature than the body’s internal temperature – that’s why they are outside the body cavity.
They are in a warmer environment than they should be in the abdominal cavity or inguinal canal, which is why testicular tumors often develop in dogs with hidden testicles.
To prevent this, it is advisable to have sterilization performed. (Rejected testicles is a hereditary disorder and a reason for exclusion from breeding, so it is advisable to remove both testicles (possibly also the one in the scrotum).
At an older age, testicular or prostate tumors may occur, benign prostate enlargement and tumors around the anus are not uncommon.
The desire to wander and the related risk of injury (car accident, fight) are also more common in non-neutered male dogs.
We can prevent these problems with sterilization!
Testicular tumor
When is the ideal time forsterilization?
Neutering can be done at any age, but due to hormonal effects on physical development, it is advisable to wait for sexual maturity, which usually occurs around 8-10 months of age.
Later than this, the intervention can be performed at any time after proper examination and preparation.
How does sterilization take place?
The essence of the operation is the removal of the hormone-producing organs, i.e. the testicles. In Szent Bernát, the skin of the scrotum is also partially removed, thus we will get a more favorable final result from an aesthetic point of view.
Of course, the surgery is performed under anesthesia – in premium conditions at Szent Bernát.
Please see our conditions:
The intervention takes place at an agreed time, and the patients are admitted for surgery after a preliminary examination. Fasting for 6-8 hours is necessary before the operation.
After the operation, the already alert patients are sent home to the owner. (Convenient parking right at the entrance to the surgery).
Dogs that have undergone surgery are provided with a post-operative protective collar or surgical gown to prevent licking of the wound.
In all cases, we take home antibiotics and painkillers, thereby preventing wound infection and the patient’s unreasonable pain.
Suture removal is usually done 10-12 days after the operation. takes place on (Suture removal is free, it is included in the price of the operation).
What about older males?
Better sooner than later, but better late than never. It’s never too late to neuter
Of course, anesthetizing an older animal, possibly burdened with another disease, involves a greater risk than a young one.
Therefore, a thorough examination of the patient before surgery (laboratory examination, abdominal and cardiac ultrasound) is definitely recommended. According to our experience, even in the case of a well-examined and prepared patient, there are no more surgical complications than in the case of a young dog.
Unfortunately, we still often hear the misconception (not infrequently from colleagues) that the patient cannot be sedated or operated on because of his age.
An older patient who has been properly examined and is in good condition can indeed be operated on!
Are there any disadvantages to sterilization?
We often hear the counter-argument that neutered dogs get fat.
It is a fact that neutering slows down the metabolism, but it is not legal for a neutered dog to gain weight. He can only get fat from the food he eats, but the owner can control this very well.
Special, reduced-calorie foods for neutered dogs are available commercially (both in the veterinary clinic and in our online store), feeding them can reduce the risk of obesity even more.
A common counter-argument is that the neutered dog becomes lazy and its tendency to guard the house decreases. This is also a treatable problem, it is advisable to feed the dog in the morning, in the evening, at night on an empty stomach, they are usually more alert.
Does your pet experience any of the above phenomena?
Sterilization can solve the problem!
Register with him for our free health assessment!