Veterinary advice
A collection of articles, professional publications and useful information.
Happy browsing.
Causes of obesity in pets
Obesity - a civilizational problem? The same factors play a role in obesity in animals as in humans. Obesity develops...
Surgeries at Szent Bernát
We always examine the patient before the interventions. The health assessment is free, it is included in the price of...
Caring for Elderly Pets
The care of elderly pets requires extra attention from their owners, as their bodies are more vulnerable and sensitive...
Everything about feline leukosis
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is one of the most common infectious diseases of cats. Several forms of the disease are...
Heartworm disease
In recent years, due to climate change, mosquito species that spread heartworm have also appeared in the Carpathian...
Ear canal Inflammation
Among our pets, inflammation of the ear canal is very common, almost considered a "people's disease". Despite the...
About CBD
CBD (cannabidiol) is especially popular in dogs and cats to reduce stress and anxiety or relieve pain. Owners do not...
About heartworm
What is heartworm? Heartworm disease is a serious and often fatal disease in pets: It is caused by heartworms, which...
Sterilizing of female cats
A female cat approx. It becomes sexually mature at the age of 7-8 months. Its sexual function is seasonal, it does not...
Sterilization of tom-cats
Injuries from a fight Problems due to wandering Car accident Poisonings Uncurable viral infections spread through...
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