Our veterinary philosophy

Szent Bernát

The motto of Szent Bernát Pestimre Pet Ambulance:

Love and expertise – Szent Bernát

1. At the Pet Ambulance in Szent Bernát Pestimre, we provide our patients with loving care and the highest possible professional standard.

2. At the Szent Bernát Pesimre Pet Ambulance, we use the most modern methods and procedures in the diagnosis and therapy of patients.

3. All employees of the Szent Bernát Pet Ambulance regularly participate in further training in order to be able to treat our patients with the most up-to-date knowledge.

4. The staff of the Szent Bernát Pet Ambulance do their best to provide our customers with the most up-to-date information regarding the proper care of their animals.

5. In the course of our activities, we keep animal protection and animal welfare aspects in mind as much as possible.


M-F: 9-19, Sat: 9-12, Sun: 16-19

Address: 1188, Budapest, Kisfaludy utca 55/a.

Phone / Fax: (06-1) 295 3085

Email: info@szentbernat.hu

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