Veterinarian 5 minutes from Gyál

Szent Bernát

Dear citizens of Gyál!

Our veterinary surgery is very easy to reach from Gyál in minutes.

You can reach us in a few minutes on Pesti út, parallel to Nagykőrösi út, behind the Gyáli Sports Hall.

After reaching Pestimre, the continuation of Pesti út is Kisfaludy utca.

Szent Bernát is located BEFORE the Nemes utca traffic light intersection, on the right side of the road.

Please see how much we can help you and your four-legged pet:

⇒ Our veterinary services

It is for our dear customers from Gyál


Szent Bernát állatorvosi rendelő budapest

Want to avoid standing in line?

Can’t bring your pet to us?

We’re glad to help!

At your request, we will gladly come to your residence and take care of your pet THERE!


M-F: 9-19, Sat: 9-12, Sun: 16-19

Address: 1188, Budapest, Kisfaludy utca 55/a.

Phone / Fax: (06-1) 295 3085


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