A female cat approx. It becomes sexually mature at the age of 7-8 months. Its sexual function is seasonal, it does not mate or have offspring during the winter (if kept outside).

In contrast, its reproduction is active from spring to late autumn. In practice, this means that she gives birth 2-3 times a season and gives birth to an average of 3-4 puppies each time.

Unwanted cat reproduction is one of the biggest animal welfare problems in Hungary. What can be done with so many kittens (6-12 per year) per female and per year?

Unfortunately, many people choose the not very humane solution – perhaps it is better not to describe what can happen to a litter of unwanted kittens…

What can be the solution?

Sterilization of course!

Neutering surgery can prevent unwanted reproduction once and for all.

When can the sterilization surgery be performed?

Almost at any time, but it is recommended to wait until around 6-7 months of age.

Can a pregnant cat be operated on?

Yes, pregnant cats can also be operated on without any problems, in which case, of course, the uterus will also be removed.

How does the sterilization of kittens take place in Szent Bernát?

Surgeries are performed at an agreed time, under anesthesia. (The price of the surgery includes a free, pre-surgery health assessment).

On this occasion, we will discuss all the details and try to answer all questions about the surgery.

During the operation, the cat’s ovaries are removed, she will no longer estrus and mate, so she will not have kittens either. The operation is performed on a heated operating table in maximum safety, a special person ensures safe sleep. After surgery, according to the owner’s request, patients are given a collar or a surgical gown for wound protection.

Suture removal can take place after 10-12 days, suture removal is free. The owner does not have to deal with the wound at home, the patients receive painkillers orally for a few days, thereby avoiding unnecessary pain in the kittens.

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What are the benefits of sterilization?

Sterilization is the most important animal protection intervention!

A neutered kitten does not estrus, does not mate and will not have puppies. It is free from sexually transmitted infectious cat diseases (feline AIDS and leukosis).

It is not suitable for pregnancy and breastfeeding. You will be free from purulent endometritis and ovarian cysts – overall, you will be healthier.

Neutered cats live statistically longer than their non-neutered counterparts!

Are there any disadvantages to sterilization?

There is no doubt that the metabolism of neutered animals slows down a bit, which makes them more prone to gain weight.

The good news is that the owner can control the feeding of the kittens, and in case of weight gain, their daily dose can be reduced. There are also reduced-calorie foods made specifically for neutered kittens, which can be used to successfully treat obesity. (Such foods are also available in Szent Bernát).

If your kitten has not yet been neutered, we recommend that you have the procedure done, so your kitten will be healthier and live longer!

Contact us for our free health check-up with your cat!