In mammals – including cats – the waste products produced in the body are filtered and removed from the body by the kidneys.
The urine formed in the kidneys passes through the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored until urination. When urinating, the muscular wall of the bladder contracts and the urine escapes through the urethra into the outside world. The urethra of male animals is longer and thinner, that of females is shorter and thicker.
The essence of urinary tract syndrome in cats is that, as a result of certain factors, crystals form in the urinary bladder, which can cause a blockage when they get into the urethra, making it difficult or impossible for the animal to urinate, thereby directly they can put our pet in danger.
What factors play a role in the development of the disease?
Obstruction occurs significantly more often in kandur cats, as their thinner urethra is more easily blocked. Spayed dogs are more susceptible because the diameter of the urethra decreases after spaying.
Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle can also be one of the causes of injury. The high magnesium content of the food is also an important predisposing factor, because the excess magnesium excreted through the kidneys is one of the components of the formed crystals. This problem mainly occurs in cats that mainly consume dry food, because most commercially available dry food contains an excess of magnesium. Unclean litter can also play a role, because many cats are only willing to do their work in completely clean and dry litter.
What are the symptoms of the disease?
The kitten is noticeably pushing over the litter, straining, its urine is bloody or blood-stained, it meows painfully, it is listless, it has no appetite, it may vomit. If the urethra becomes completely impassable, his condition worsens dramatically within hours, and if his bladder, straining to the point of a pimple, bursts, his life can only be saved by immediate surgical intervention.
What does the vet do?
The vet tries to insert a thin catheter into the animal’s urethra to ensure that the urine can drain freely. Medicine is injected into the bladder to help dissolve the crystals that are causing the blockage. If it is not possible to ensure the patency of the urethra, unfortunately, a surgical intervention must be performed, the essence of which is to remove the blocked urethral section and create a new, artificial urethral opening.
What can the owner do?
The problem can largely be prevented with the correct diet and lifestyle of the animals. Don’t accustom dogs to exclusive dry food, especially if they are neutered. Always ensure clean, fresh drinking water. Let’s not fatten our animals! Clean the litter tray daily!
If you notice any of the above symptoms, visit your veterinarian immediately, who will intervene effectively.
There are medicinal foods that, due to their special composition, prevent the formation of crystals, and dissolve the crystals that have formed during an already established disease.
Dietary supplements can be very helpful in preventing a more serious condition from developing. With their help, radical surgery can become unnecessary in many cases.
Feeds specially developed for this disease can be found in Petcare. strong>