The arrival of a puppy in the family is a great joy, but also a responsibility. In order not to get sick, you need to get vaccinations.
When should vaccinations start?
Puppies should usually be vaccinated at 7-8 weeks of age. Puppies bought from breeders usually already have one or more vaccinations.
We recommend that approx. 14 days. We need to leave this amount of time between the administration of two vaccinations so that the puppy’s body can safely react to the administered vaccine and its immune system is not damaged.
After the puppy’s arrival in the family, it is advisable to wait a few days until the time of the veterinary visit, so that the puppy has time to get used to the new environment and food before receiving the next vaccination and any problems (lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea) will be revealed during this time.
What diseases do we vaccinate dogs against?
There are so-called compulsory vaccinations (core vaccines), which protect against the most common and most serious diseases occurring anywhere in the world, and there are so-called optional (non-core) vaccines.
It is definitely worth vaccinating dogs against the following diseases:
- parvovirus enteritis (commonly known as feline distemper)
- Sopornyica
- infectious hepatitis (disease caused by adenovirus)
- leptospirosis (bacterial infectious kidney and liver inflammation)
It doesn’t hurt to know that poor cats have nothing to do with parvovirus enteritis. Cats don’t infect dogs, the pathogen is an independent virus that is only dangerous for dogs, so we don’t chase the poor kitties away.
The order of vaccination against rabies in Hungary is regulated by Decree 164/2018 (XII. 20) FVM. (Regulations in individual countries may differ, this should be especially noted if we are planning a trip abroad with our pet).
In accordance with this:
“all animals older than three months – with the exception of animals kept indoors for the purpose of scientific research and laboratory testing – should be vaccinated against rabies at their own expense with the veterinarian providing the veterinary health supervision of the animal as follows:
aa) those who have reached the age of three months within 30 days,
ab) within 6 months after the first vaccination,
ac)annually thereafter’
It is important that only dogs marked with a unique identifier (microchip) can be vaccinated against rabies!
What are vaccines?
Vaccines, also known as vaccinations, are immunobiological preparations that contain a weakened version of the given pathogen.
The point is that they cannot cause disease in the animal, but after administration they develop immunity against the given disease. Most vaccines must be administered several times in order to develop certain protection.
There are one-component (so-called monovalent) vaccines and there are multi-pathogenic (polyvalent) vaccines.
Most vaccines are injected into the animal, but there are also other methods of administration. This includes e.g. the kennel cough nasal (so-called intranasal) vaccine, or the human Szabin drops, which are administered orally.
How do vaccines work?
When vaccines enter the body, they tune the functioning of the immune system, and antibodies are produced against the given disease. When the animal’s body encounters the real pathogen, the immune system protects it from the disease in response to the previously administered vaccine.
It is important to know that annual booster vaccinations are necessary to maintain lifelong protection!
What diseases do primary vaccinations protect against?
Parvovirus enteritis
One of the most dreaded dog diseases. It is basically a disease of puppies and young dogs.
Viral illness accompanied by vomiting, often bloody diarrhea. Secondarily pathogenic bacteria multiply on the damaged intestinal mucosa and worsen the disease.
Patients quickly become dehydrated and weak, and unfortunately, death is not uncommon. The prognosis depends significantly on the age and general condition of the animal. Weakened, parasite-laden and very young animals have worse chances. The virus is not dangerous for humans or cats.
The point is prevention! Effective vaccines are available to prevent the disease.
The soporny is one of the oldest known infectious and epidemic diseases affecting dogs. The dog can get it at any time, but it is most at risk in the first months of its life.
The most typical symptoms:
- fever
- bad general condition
- loss of appetite
- vomiting
Purulent runny nose and purulent conjunctivitis are also characteristic.
As a complication, nervous system symptoms such as “tics” and involuntary twitching of the muscles may remain. Some of the cases end in death despite the most careful treatment.
Distemper can make dogs of any age sick, so it is important to vaccinate older dogs annually with a combined vaccine that also protects them against distemper.
Sopornyica does not pose a danger to humans or cats.
Infectious hepatitis (Rubarth’s disease)
The disease is not the same as viral hepatitis in humans – it is not contagious to humans.
A disease associated with jaundice and severe liver damage, medical treatment is not successful in all cases. Thanks to effective vaccines, it is a rare disease.
Leptospira bacteria can cause several diseases in dogs. They can primarily attack the liver and kidneys. Symptoms of high fever, jaundice, and kidney failure appear.
The pathogen can be excreted in the urine of sick dogs. Zoonosis, i.e. the infection can spread to humans. When given regularly, combined vaccines provide adequate protection against pathogens.
Rabies is not a curable disease, it is always fatal in humans and animals.
Therefore, it is an important public health interest that all dogs are properly vaccinated against rabies. (Vaccination of cats is not required by law, but vaccination of stray cats is professionally justified).
Vaccination against rabies is mandatory, the first vaccination takes place after the administration of the basic vaccinations (around the age of 4 months). The first rabies vaccination must be repeated within six months and annually thereafter.
Attention! Vaccination against rabies can only be given to dogs marked with a unique identifier (microchip).
Veterinarians record the fact of vaccination in the animal’s vaccination book and in an internet database ( are also required to be recorded.
Optional (non core) vaccines:
Kennel Cough
Pathogens mostly cause mild respiratory symptoms. Dogs that go to the community (boarding house, dog school) are primarily exposed to infection.
There is an intranasal (can be dropped into the nose) and traditional injection vaccine against the disease. Vaccination is recommended in special cases, it is not included in the basic vaccination program.
Lyme disease
There is a Lyme disease vaccine for dogs.
The disease causes various symptoms, diagnosis and therapy are quite difficult, it is better to prevent the problem with vaccination. We recommend its use for dogs that often go on hikes or walk through the forest.
What should be done with the vaccination of adult dogs?
Adult dogs must be vaccinated against rabies annually in accordance with the above legislation.
Rabies is not a curable disease, it is always fatal in humans and animals.
Therefore, it is an important public health interest that all dogs are properly vaccinated against rabies. (Vaccination of cats is not required by law, but vaccination of stray cats is professionally justified).
Adult dogs are recommended against other infectious diseases by the so-called vaccinate with a combined vaccine.
In addition to rabies, this vaccine also protects against other serious, incurable diseases (parvovirus, distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis).
This is especially important in the case of aging people, when the activity of the immune system is already at a lower level.
Is your pet missing any vaccinations?
Visit our office, where our staff will help you create the most suitable vaccination program for your pet with personalized advice.
Can’t you come?
Feel free to call, a vaccination can be given to your pet at home!
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