
Final conclusion from an American research:

Neutered dogs statistically live longer.

By neutering dogs

many diseases can be prevented!

Often fatal gynecological diseases (purulent endometritis, genital tumors) are common in non-sterilized female animals.

Changes in the genital organs and problems arising from wandering and fighting are also not uncommon in males.

You can read more about the topic here:

Sterilization of female dogs 

Sterilization of male dogs 

And what about neutering kittens?

  • Unwanted reproduction?
  • Sexually transmitted, incurable diseases?
  • Injuries from a fight?
  • Problems due to wandering?

You don’t want any of them as your favorite, do you?

 The solution: Sterilization

You can read more about the topic here:

Sterilizing of female cats

Sterilization of tom-cats

Sterilization (contraception) of hunting ferrets

It is of fundamental importance due to the biology of the animal species.

Failure to sterilize can even cost the animal its life.

Read more: 

Specialized ordering of ferrets


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Address: 1188, Budapest, Kisfaludy utca 55/a.

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