Final conclusion from an American research:
Neutered dogs statistically live longer.
By neutering dogs
many diseases can be prevented!
Often fatal gynecological diseases (purulent endometritis, genital tumors) are common in non-sterilized female animals.
Changes in the genital organs and problems arising from wandering and fighting are also not uncommon in males.
You can read more about the topic here:
⇒ Sterilization of female dogs
And what about neutering kittens?
- Unwanted reproduction?
- Sexually transmitted, incurable diseases?
- Injuries from a fight?
- Problems due to wandering?
You don’t want any of them as your favorite, do you?
The solution: Sterilization
You can read more about the topic here:
Sterilization (contraception) of hunting ferrets
It is of fundamental importance due to the biology of the animal species.
Failure to sterilize can even cost the animal its life.
Read more:
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