In mammals - including cats - the waste products produced in the body are filtered and removed from the body by...
Keeping cat
Vaccinations for cats
Cats also have infectious diseases, against which we have effective vaccines. If we want our kitten to live a long and...
Deworming cats
Regular deworming of kittens is important not only for our pet's health, but also for your own health (the people...
Everything about feline leukosis
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is one of the most common infectious diseases of cats. Several forms of the disease are...
Ear canal Inflammation
Among our pets, inflammation of the ear canal is very common, almost considered a "people's disease". Despite the...
About CBD
CBD (cannabidiol) is especially popular in dogs and cats to reduce stress and anxiety or relieve pain. Owners do not...
Sterilizing of female cats
A female cat approx. It becomes sexually mature at the age of 7-8 months. Its sexual function is seasonal, it does not...
Sterilization of tom-cats
Injuries from a fight Problems due to wandering Car accident Poisonings Uncurable viral infections spread through...
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